Category «Decor & Design»

Best Tips on How to Keep Rugs from Sliding

rugs from slipping.

You purchased the quality rug but its keeps sliding on the floor? Well in this article We shared some tips to stop sliding your rug on the floor.  There are two ways you can keep your rugs from sliding – using preventive measures and material use. Falling due to sliding on rugs can be dangerous. …

Everything You Need to Know about Shutters

Ardy’s Gallery of Window Coverings

It sounds easy, but choosing curtains to compose your home decor requires a certain amount of knowledge and correct guidance. Generally, they are the last stage of the project, exactly to finish off the decoration. A wrong choice and there goes all the work and, to top it off, the harmony of the space. In …

How Do You Put On Christmas Tree Lights?

How Do You Put On Christmas Tree Lights

When you are trying to hang the Christmas tree lights on a fresh tree, one thing that you can do is to use three 100-light sets of every foot on the tree’s height. The lighting needs to be hanged carefully with patience, and you should follow some of these simple steps to achieve this task: …

Home Office Interior Design


Working from home is a dream for many people. But to make the best of working at home, it’s important to have a functional and comfortable space. There are a bunch of simple changes that you can incorporate into your design to make your office space optimal for creativity and hard work. These can include …